How to Import Your IoTeX Account from Trust Wallet to ioPay Mobile

This tutorial will guide you through the process of exporting your IoTeX account from Trust Wallet and importing it into ioPay Mobile.

Note: If you already have your Trust Wallet seed phrase at hand, you can skip Part 1, and jump to Part 2: Importing Account into ioPay Mobile.

Part 1: Exporting Your IoTeX Account from Trust Wallet

To begin, export your account from Trust Wallet by following these steps:

Step 1: Access Settings in Trust Wallet

  • Open Trust Wallet.

  • Tap on the settings icon in the top right corner of the home screen.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Wallets

  • In the Settings menu, select the Wallets item.

Step 3: Choose Your IoTeX Wallet

  • Find the wallet you want to export and click on the three dots menu next to it.

Step 4: Initiate Manual Backup

  • In the wallet details screen, select Manual to start the manual backup process.

Step 5: Confirm Understanding of Warnings

  • Read and understand all warnings on the confirmation screen, then tap Continue to proceed.

Step 6: Write Down Your Seed Phrase

  • Your seed phrase will appear on the Manual Backup screen: please write it down carefully.

Note: Be very careful in managing your seed phrase: avoid taking screenshots, copying it to the clipboard, or exposing it in any manner. Ensure it is stored in a secure and private location, and never share it with anyone. Be aware that your seed phrase grants complete access to your blockchain assets and is the only means to recover your wallet should you lose it.

Part 2: Importing Account into ioPay Mobile

Once you have your seed phrase, proceed to import your account into ioPay Mobile:

Step 1: Open Settings in ioPay Mobile

  • Launch ioPay Mobile.

  • Tap the Settings icon at the bottom of the home screen.

Step 2: Manage Wallets

  • In Settings, select the Manage Wallets option.

Step 3: Manage Recovery Phrase

  • In the Manage Wallets screen, choose Manage Recovery Phrase.

Step 4: Add a New Wallet

  • Tap the plus button in the top right corner of the Manage Recovery Phrase screen.

Step 5: Import an Existing Wallet

  • Select Import an existing wallet in the Add Recovery Phrase Wallet screen.

Step 6 Enter Your Seed Phrase

  • On the Import Wallet screen, type in the seed phrase you wrote down from Trust Wallet.

  • Click Next in the top right corner to confirm.

Step 7: Select Addresses to Import

  • Choose the HD derivation path. You must select BIP44 Standard (IOTEX HD PATH:304) for importing an IoTeX account from Trust Wallet.

  • Switch different networks to verify your balances and better identify the wallets you want to import.

  • Click Next in the top right corner to confirm.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully imported your IoTeX account from Trust Wallet to ioPay Mobile. Make sure to keep your seed phrase secure and never share it with anyone.

If you are interested in DePIN you can learn more about the latest developments in the sector and compare projects by visiting DePINscan. DePINscan powered by W3bstream and IoTeX is designed to empower intelligent investors in the DePIN sector.


This will profer solutions to many community members questions as regards the uses of Trust wallet in storing $IOTX :wave:

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I wish I knew the jargon but this may as well be Greek to me. Is there somewhere it is explained step by step in layman’s terms?

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I have try to download and what I kept seeing is a different things
Can’t get the one with the details as u explain it
Please how can I do it… thanks


You must find us another solution to facilitate this task, I have tried this method several times but I am not satisfied. you know, there are a lot of us in this mess and I think you have to find us other ways. this is very important


agreed many of us setting with funds stuck in wallets. it’s crazy the extent of hoops you are asked to jump through perform a much needed task.

in my case i bought iotx within coinbase pro and made the mistake of transferring it to iopay app which little did i know will not accept the transfer. i see the funds setting in a trust wallet but there it sets.

You only need this method if you created the IoTeX account in Trust Wallet and then you want to migrate it to ioPay. This is needed because in that case only Trust Wallet knows the private key of that address (Trust Wallet created it) and because Trust Walled doesn’t allow you to export that key, you must go through that cumbersome process to obtain it and import it in ioPay.

But those of you that tried to send from Coinbase to ioPay do not have to go through it!!
In your case, you crated the recipient account in ioPay, this means that the private key is stored in ioPay that, on the contrary of Trust Wallet, allows you to see and export the key (top right little wallet icon).

Once you found the private key in ioPay wallet (where you don’t see any IOTX because Coinbase is trading ERC20-IOTX on Ethereum, and when you withdrew you did it to the address generated in ioPay but on the Ethereum blcokchain!), so once you got your private key from ioPay just import it in Metamask, or in Trust Wallet if you prefer: any wallet that can connect to Ethereum is fine, and there you will find your IOTX token.

You may have to add the ERC20 token to your metamask using the IOTX contract address on Etehreum, which is: 0x6fb3e0a217407efff7ca062d46c26e5d60a14d69


I am going to try and follow your instructions and hope that I am successful.

As a retail trader on Coinbase since it began, I have lived through many problems with Crypto. Transfers are always one the worst most worrisome endeavors a investor can undertake. Why in the world would IoTex think that the process of transferring out of Coinbase to ioPAY is working? What it shows me is that no one at IoTex has actually done a transfer themselves and therefore are oblivious to the problem.

I like this project and support it however if IoTex turns a deaf ear to legitimate concerns such as failed transfers to it’s own wallet then many investors will be bailing out as exposure of this problem expands. I will make it my life’s mission to bring this problem to a conclusion one way or the other. Retail investors can be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever, that depends on IoTex doing the right thing.


Hi, I see many people having issues with withdrawing from coinbase, but really this has nothing to do with IoTeX itself (and also Coinbase is not at fault here to be honest).

The withrawal process is very simple and not different from any other exchange: Coinbase is trading the IOTX Erc20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and as any other Erc20 token you can only withdraw it to an Ethereum address, that’s it.

Then it’s up to you if you want to swap it to the IOTX native token on the IoTeX mainnet, in which case you must use our bridge that is meant to transfer tokens from one blockchain to another (which you can never do with a simple wallet).

As for the tutorial above: you don’t have to follow it, why would you? It has nothing to do with coinbase IOTX withdraw. Please contact me directly on Telegram for a more effective support: Telegram: Contact @zimne

Oh Yasssssss! Awesome

Hello, I got here trying to export the Iotex wallet, although my failure was because I did not have the correct path derivation.

I used the same ETH key, thinking that the same address in 0x format, but it is not, when converting the Iotex address into iotexscan it gives me a different one of type io …

When trying to find the keys, another 0x address appears, different from the ETH address and different from the 0x address that I obtained when converting io.

Now I have no problem because I use the ETH address and I have the keys, but this method did not work for me to get the Iotex keys and my question is if there is any risk when using the same ETH address?

Will the latest version of Trust Wallet generate different addresses? I already tried it anyway without the expected result.


Excuse me, the trust wallet has another address called iotx evm. My bucket change transaction from the io pay wallet was sent to this address by mistake, but I don’t see my coins in my wallet. Is it possible to access my coins in this way?