IoTeX Project Updates №23 {March 1 — April 7, 2020}
Tech & Development
IoTeX Mainnet GA is coming in Q2 2020 In 2019, IoTeX launched Mainnet Alpha 1 & Mainnet Beta 1, the initial versions of IoTeX Mainnet that served as incremental steps towards the full-fledged Mainnet General Availability (GA) . In this thread, we share the launch and migration plan for IoTeX Mainnet GA, coming in Q2 2020.
Mainnet GA will be a major network upgrade to kick off a new era: IoTeX 2.0 . But Mainnet GA is more than just a technology update — it also comprises new governance, tokenomics, and independence for the IoTeX Network. See an outline, which will be detailed in the coming months in this thread
Community Vote: Probation for Unresponsive Delegates
There is a “nothing-at-stake” problem 2 in proof of stake (PoS) consensus systems. Unlike proof of work (PoW) consensus, which requires computing power for mining, PoS does not require block producers to consume physical resources in order to produce and sign blocks. Therefore, it is possible for malicious block producers to attack PoS networks without any costs or risks if effective “slashing” policies are not implemented. Read the full proposal details below
[Community Vote] Delegate Slashing - Proposal #1 Voting Results: PASSED on March 25 — The proposal was passed with ~66% YES votes. See poll results 6 for full details. IoTeX is once again ranked in the Top 25 crypto projects by Flipside Crypto, based on dev/user activity and maturity
In the Media
Zoom Has Privacy Issues, Here are Some Alternatives — CoinDesk
Blockchain Can Protect Privacy During Coronavirus Crisis — International Business Times
IoTeX & Nordic Semiconductor to Supercharge Blockchain & IoT Supply Chain Tracking! — CryptoNinja