Privacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Privacy advocates are already doing good jobs by raising alarm against Prime Minister of Isreal Mr Netanyahu over the plan “to sift through geolocation data routinely collected from Israeli cellphone providers about millions of their customers in Israel and the West Bank, find people who came into close contact with known virus carriers, and send them text messages directing them to isolate themselves immediately” whatever that will done to combat the spread o this deadly disease must not be at negligent of member of the public privacy. :space_invader: :ghost:
Greater step should taking to stand against coronavirus as stated by Washington and Silicon Valley dozens of Engineers, Executives and Epidemiologists in an open letter who still encouraged the tech companies to adopt privacy preserving techniques is a good direction to go, in this scenario balance would be stroked in order to protect privacy and also at the same time stop the coronavirus pandemic. :pray: :weight_lifting_man: :weight_lifting_woman:
When looking at the propose EARN IT ACT, the cost of law outrightly outweigh its benefits. Each company and individual have propriety right to encrypt and keep their data privately,that is what have made them who they are, that is the business trade mark and goodwill. Some of these vital information have cost them a life time saving money to accumulate. So everyone, corporate entity are whom they are for their privacy if then decrypted then that potency instantly bankrupted, therefore the EARN IT ACT should be opposed and discarded. :no_entry_sign: :construction: :mountain:
As regard the Project Baseline, google services is too bogus and importance to accept the privacy tradeoff at the detriment of the populace. The entire project terms and conditions as pointed out by IoTeX violate the right to privacy. :man_standing: :running_man: :biking_man: :men_wrestling: :women_wrestling:

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