Would you like a weekly IoTeX update?

Hi everyone! :wave: We’ve had very valuable feedback regarding the forums and weekly updates, so let’s set the stage and dive deeper!

Would you like a weekly IoTeX update?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Where should we share this update?

  • Here in the Forums! :writing_hand:
  • Twitter :hatching_chick:
  • Telegram :large_blue_circle:
  • Someplace else [please comment]

0 voters

What would you like to see included in this update? Please elaborate in your comment.

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I would like to see ioPay adopt more secure spam free communication portal within ioPay wallet, it would entice people to download use the wallet for Iotex communications and investment.

Also include a one stop shop for NFTs working on the Iotex ecosystem, projects have links to their communication portals (whether it be telegram or discord or twitter). This would stop the confusion around the MFI NFT’s price speculation across different projects.

Updates can be posted in the forum or the investor communication stream.

Iotex to the moon


Thanks for sharing @Til75. You may also post these ideas in the feedback thread for ioPay here: [Seeking Feedback] ioPay Multi-chain Wallet Feedback I’m tagging @Aaron-iotex from product here either way.


Thanks everyone! The sentiment towards having a weekly IoTeX update is total. We are also happy to know in which platforms you prefer to stay up to date. We’ll be following up on this with our marketing team. :mechanical_arm:

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