Help me Unstake my IOTEX

Hi, I staked in my ioPay wallet and the 92 days has passed. I am new to all this and cannot seem to figure out how to unstake. I read a few other posts and apparently I was supposed to unlock… but I don’t even have that option now. Please help because this is making me wanna rip my hair out (jk…lol)

Once the stake duration has expired, the unstaking process takes an additional 3 days. After this you may withdraw your tokens to your wallet.

Or maybe you have turned stake-lock ON, which paused your lock duration countdown

Here’s a staking guide that may be of further help:

Hello @Cryptalyst_32 thank you for your reply… but please I have an issue, I had a stake duration since October last year for 93 days but not knowing I had my stake lock on…. It’s far passed the 93 days now, how do I unskate

@Marvis First you need to turn off the stake lock because it pauses your lock duration countdown until you decide to turn it OFF. After you turn the stake-lock OFF, your stake duration will resume counting down to 0. Once the stake duration has expired, the unstaking process takes an additional 3 days . After this you may withdraw your tokens to your wallet.

Remember, if you turn stake-lock back ON at any point during your countdown, your stake duration will restart to the original duration for which you set it. (i.e. If on day 50 of your 100 day stake duration, you choose to turn stake-lock ON. When you turn it OFF, you must now wait 100 days to unstake).

I hope this was helpful

Thank you @Cryptalyst_32
Please how do I turn off the stake unlock?

@Marvis I’m using the mobile wallet so I’m not sure of the steps if you’re using the desktop version but I imagine they’re similar.

First open your iopay wallet. Then go to Stake.

Choose My Stake and click on the Staking Bucket you wish to edit.

Then click on Edit and click on Restake

You should now be able slide the Stake-Lock option on or off.

Then choose Next and sign the contract or choose OK to complete the process.

Thank you @Cryptalyst_32… I used the mobile wallet too. One more question please, do I still chose the 93 days lock duration or I can pick lesser days?

@Marvis I guess since you seem to want to unstake as soon as possible you choose lesser days. However, I’m not sure if it’s allowed or not. I guess you try it and if doesn’t work then that probably means that you are only allowed to do it from the 93 days lock duration, which is the orifginal duration you chose.

Thank you so much
It worked…. Basically, you can’t chose a lesser day

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