How to check ioPay desktop's hash when you download it

How to check file hash

When you download ioPay Desktop from Github, you may want to check the file hash before using it.

In each release, there is a file called latest-xxx.yml. For example

version: 0.10.0
  - url:
    sha512: qu+kDkAxpJpGWGv3nQNItEtQ8darJFpdYQk5gfaeTUgSC0L42BFZs3J5rokUYDA/EcfxqiYkjP9jI7/rUZKaeA==
    size: 75588074
    blockMapSize: 80132
  - url: ioPay-0.10.0.dmg
    sha512: NZawHKdr3Z8W7p68dbf0iQtAPidK1iexg36A/52K3Gkky8K9+0zioa/DAvfJnTRKW7UkF/oqZgauCY1igIRGhg==
    size: 78538689
sha512: qu+kDkAxpJpGWGv3nQNItEtQ8darJFpdYQk5gfaeTUgSC0L42BFZs3J5rokUYDA/EcfxqiYkjP9jI7/rUZKaeA==
releaseDate: '2020-06-14T01:35:49.891Z'

The sha512 is the hash of the installer file. It is base64 encoded. You can check and compare using this command

shasum  -a 512 | xxd -r -p | base64

I have put it into this wiki for further reference.


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Good call, one needs to check the binary hash before even running it.

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