How to implement NFT in IoTeX Chain ?

I want to do LongZ club fan card use NFT, how to implement NFT in iotex chain?


Because IoTeX Chain supports EVM (NOTE: the IoTeX Chain supports solidity version up to 0.5.x), the NFT contract on the IoTeX chain should be identical to the contract described in EIPs/EIPS/ at master · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub.

Once you get your NFT contract ready, you can follow this doc to deploy your contract:

Have fun!


I depolyed a NFT token contract, the address: io1xmvh79uc9g286frmlh272f80sthrmac8nv8g87
how can I see the token in iopay?

@wave have you got the anwser?

yes, I got the answer.

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please submit token meta here to get supported in different places.

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