Hi I’m still pretty new to Iotex and everyday I’m learning something new and would like to learn more so please do educate me with what you can I love negative opinions more than positive so please speak your mind.
I have an idea which I think will help Kick Start the Iotex community.
To help get Iotex going I think we need a product that has less user interaction or interference. Something that will sit undisturbed and will collect data.
Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms or definitely a life saving device and undoubtedly a need and millions of households have one and also millions do not so the market is still widely opened to businesses. Especially smart devices which are an ever growing market I believe Iotex can have and hold an important roll in helping develop future smart products.
- The alarms will collect data similar to the pebble.
- Added benefits such as test alarm from your smart device. This is a benefit for people with mobility issues and a wide range of other disabilities.
- Alert to your smartphone if backup battery needs replacing.
- Built-in motion detection with optional on off switch if you wish to use it as a secondary home security feature.
- Contact emergency services with push of button from your application this will automatically send your device coordinates for a quick response. Also a call back or text back service to comfirm your emergency. Also a benefit for people with disabilities.
Another idea is a dashcam using the UCAM tech and pebble data collection.
Basically continuous dash recording which backs up to a cloud service so their is no need to remove the camera if you ever need to retrieve footage.
These are some ideas I think will kick start Iotex for these device require less user use will have continuous data collection.
Let me know your thoughts please.
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