If I stake from ledger nano s , how will I receive my native iotx token?

If I transfer my iotx-E tokens from ledger nano to iotex eth contract address on metamask, when token swap is completed, how will I receive my iotx native tokens?

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do you mean you staked IOTX-E with staking contract?

Staking and vote for delegate, it will auto swap to native token for you . no need to do anything
:small_orange_diamond: Step-by-step Voting Instruction : https://goo.gl/52GY8D
:small_orange_diamond: Voting Guidebook : https://t.iotex.me/voter_handbook
:small_orange_diamond: Voting Guide video : https://youtu.be/2z-DbJsODsQ
:earth_americas: IoTeX Delegates Program : https://goo.gl/5iacwj
:movie_camera: Videos : https://goo.gl/NMiWWb