IIP-28: Transfer Delegate Ownership

IIP: 28
Title: Transfer Delegate Ownership
Author: Simone Romano (simone@iotex.me), Dustin (dustin.xie@iotex.me), Chen Chen (chenchen@iotex.me)
Status: WIP
Type: Standards Track
Category: Core
Created: 2024-06-01


This IIP introduces the “Transfer Delegate Ownership” feature to the IoTeX ecosystem. The proposed feature aims to provide delegate owners with the ability to change a delegate’s profile address to a new one, offering various benefits, including the option to sell their delegate business, transition between wallet setups, and enhance security by addressing potential account compromises.


The motivation behind the “Transfer Delegate Ownership” feature is to offer increased flexibility and security to delegate owners within the IoTeX network. Currently, there is no mechanism to update a delegate’s profile address once it is set up. This limitation hinders the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, such as transferring a delegate to a new owner, transitioning between wallet setups (e.g., Ledger native app to Metamask), or responding to security concerns arising from a compromised profile account.


The “Transfer Delegate Ownership” feature will allow delegate owners to change the profile address associated with their delegate. This feature will provide the following benefits:

  1. Delegate Ownership Transition: Delegate owners can easily transfer entire ownership of their delegate to another entity or individual by updating the profile address.
  2. Wallet Setup Flexibility: Delegate owners who initially set up their profiles using specific wallet configurations, such as Ledger + ioPay desktop, can now transition to different setups, such as Metamask, or Metamask+Ledger.
  3. Security Enhancement: In cases where a delegate owner suspects their profile address has been compromised, they can promptly change it to mitigate potential risks.


The ownership transfer will be implemented by sending a new type of transaction to the IoTeX network, and protocol stack will process this transaction to validate the action. For the delegate who intends to do so, he first constructs a message that articulates his intention:

Delegate ID

We have introduced a new field ID as the unique identifier for delegate. It is determined when the node is created (equal to the owner address) and remains unchanged thereafter. The voting address for the stake bucket needs to be set to the ID, rather than the owner.

type Delegate {
    Name string
    Owner address.Address
    Operator address.Address
    Rewarding address.Address
    // newly added fields
    ID address.Address

Ownership Transfer Transaction

We also have introduced a new type of transaction that allows node owners to transfer ownership through this transaction.

type transferOwner struct {
    NewOwner address.Address // the new owner address

Owner Limitation

  • Can only be registered once: Once an address has been registered, it cannot be used as a new owner for other nodes.
  • Can be transferred multiple times: If an address has not been registered, it can be transferred multiple times, but cannot simultaneously be the owner of multiple nodes.

Self-Stake & Endorsement Inheritance

  • If the delegate is self-staked, after transferring ownership, the self-staked bucket will then convert to a regular bucket, and the delegate will no longer be self-staked.
  • If the delegate is endorsed, the endorsement remains valid after the ownership transferred.

Votes counting

Initially, we used the delegate’s owner as the voting address, but now we have switched to using the ID as the voting address. This change maintains compatibility as the default value of ID is the owner. The reasons for this can be explained in the following two scenarios:

  • For existing nodes and stake buckets, this change does not affect the votes counting because the ID defaults to being equal to the owner address.
  • For nodes that have transferred ownership, since the ID remains unchanged and still equals the old owner, all previous bucket voting remains accurate.


Difference between ID and Owner

  • The ID serves as the unique identifier for the delegate, it will never change, and is used to as identification of bucket voting. (This replaces the role previously held by the owner)
  • Owner now only denotes ownership, meaning only the owner has authority over delegate-related operations. It is modifiable.

Why cann’t the owner register multiple times although ownership transferred?

This is to prevent user confusion. If allowing the same owner to re-register after a transfer, it could lead to a situation where the owner of one delegate is the ID of another delegate node, causing users to be confused about which delegate they are voting for.


The introduction of the “Transfer Delegate Ownership” feature will have a positive impact on the IoTeX community. It will empower delegate owners with greater control and flexibility over their delegate profiles, potentially encourage more participation in the network, and enhance the overall security of delegate operations.

Backwards Compatibility

We ensure backward compatibility at the protocol level by setting the default value of the delegate ID to be equal to the owner address.

Security Considerations

There is no security concern.


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