IOTX to Web 3 address not received from Trust Wallet

Good day,
I need help in recovering funds sent from Trust Wallet to the newly installed IoPay wallet (Android).
I used the WEB3 address of my IoPay wallet as the native address was not accepted by Trust Wallet to send IOTX coins. The transaction was executed and traceable on bscscan.

Looking forward to receive support.

Hey Roberto Ruggeri​,

Please use the little wallet icon in ioPay mobile in the top right corner of the screen to export your private key.
Then you need to import this private key into Metamask, switch to Binance Smart Chain, and you will recover your tokens.

The web3 address in ioPay does not mean it can receive funds from other blockchains. It is still only an IoTeX blockchain address, it’s just a different format used for interactions with contracts and utilizing web3 tools such as Metamask, ioTube, mimo, etc.

So you sent your BSC tokens to your ioPay address which is expecting native tokens. Just import the private key into Metamask, and as I said, you should be able to recover your tokens

Best Regards,

Hi Jeremi in the case of IOTX on mainnet

Any possible solutions