IOTX Transfer Failed on Metamask account that is linked to Ledger Device

Hello Technical Support!
It looks like my $IOTX is locked on Metamask that is not available to send anywhere due to a technical error that says Swap failed: Ledger device CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED (0X6e00).

This Metamask account is linked to Leder Device and it looks like there is no way to send them from Metamask IOTX Mainnet and IOTube, Web IO pay, Mimo. All are saying the same thing with the same error above.

It confirmed Metamask account with IOTX mainnet without Ledger Device linked is working fine.

Unfortunately, I will need some kind of solution to how I can send this IOTX from my Metamask that is linked to Ledger that reciving from an exchange is fine but I can not do anything with the token yet.

Could you please let me know an alternative solution for this?


Hello Charlie​ ​,

Thanks for writing in.

The Metamask Ledger integration does not support IoTeX unfortunately.

If your IOTX tokens are on your Ledger device, you will need to recover them. Where did you send your IOTX tokens to? Are they native tokens? Did you install the Ledger IoTeX application? If so, you can use ioPay desktop to connect your Ledger and move your tokens. In order to support you further, you will need to provide more information on how you got your tokens to the Ledger in the first place.

I’m having the same issue ,have you been able to fix it ? @charlie68parkgmail

Unfortunately not and I am trying to find out in every ways and hopefully there will be quick solutions…

Hello Charlie​ ​,

As I already explained to you, the IoTeX network is not supported by Metamask when it comes to Lesger integration. You will need to use ioPay desktop. Welcome to the IoTeX Docs | IoTeX Documentation

I already tried them that is not working.
My $IOTX is located in Ledger Device with Metamask Web3 EVM integrated so that the actual Deposit Address is different between EVM compatible Metamask with Ledger and ioPay Ledger.

Even if I used the same private key, these EVM and ioPay native has a different address so that it has been deposited EVM compatible Metamask-Ledger IOTX address which starts from io***** that is slightly different on ioPay native address.

I sent my $IOTX from Binance to my Metamask-Ledger EVM compatible IOTX address that looks like io14m26**** but ioPay native address is differnet than this even if their private key is the same.

Any advice to make this $IOTX recovery from Metamask-Ledger IOTX in IOTX mainnet?


I already tried them that is not working.
My $IOTX is located in Ledger Device with Metamask Web3 EVM integrated so that the actual Deposit Address is different between EVM compatible Metamask with Ledger and ioPay Ledger.

Even if I used the same private key, these EVM and ioPay native has a different address so that it has been deposited EVM compatible Metamask-Ledger IOTX address which starts from io***** that is slightly different on ioPay native address.

I sent my $IOTX from Binance to my Metamask-Ledger EVM compatible IOTX address that looks like io14m26**** but ioPay native address is differnet than this even if their private key is the same.

Any advice to make this $IOTX recovery from Metamask-Ledger IOTX in IOTX mainnet?


[Discourse post]

I am not sure why this problem is not announced but most of all dApps and this what I used for $IOTEXPAD IDO that they only accepted WEB3 wallet so that all users has to use Matamask alone or Metamask-Ledger wallet to participate this #IOTEXPAD IDO so that I found this $IOTX is locked on Metamask-Ledger EVM wallet due to $IOTX is not supporting this combinaiton.

This should be announced to all user before this $IOTEXPAD IDO so that we can avoid this problem and I believe 99% of seasoned trader will not just using Metamask but using combination with Ledger or Trezor for protection.

Anyway, here we are and this is my story now we need to reverse this process that I need to find out how I can recover my locked $IOTX from this Metamask-Ledger Web3 EVM wallet that has failed with most dApps that supports WEB3 wallet and ioPay native import is not working as the address is different…

Let’s figure this out to find the say to recover this and I don’t think it is not possible that you guys are creator of $IOTX…

Thanks for the help.

Hey Charlie,

First of all, you will need to figure out what address you sent your tokens to - as in what derivation path it uses. It’s highly probable that it uses the default Ethereum derivation path, which is m/44’/60’/0’/0 Once you figure that out, you will need to use the BIP39 - Mnemonic Code tool to extract your private key from your Ledger seed recovery phrase. If successful, you will see your Metamask address in the generated address list (you will need to convert your io… address into 0x format using and compare them) and the corresponding Private key for that address. You then need to import that key into your ioPay wallet, and your tokens will be there.

Have a nice day!

Is this applies the same even if their private key is the same that Ledger provides the same private key for both?


One more question,
Are there possibilities that $IOTX will support Metamask with Ledger in the future so that I can just leave my token there that I do not need to use right away and value will grow eventually?

I am a happy supporter of $IOTX.


Hello Charlie​ ​,

Thanks for writing in.

Yes, that is certainly an option, for now we are investigating bluetooth Ledger nano x ioPay mobile support ready for Q2 2022.

That is it! that is only what I need to know and be patient.


That is it! that is only what I need to know and be patient.


[Discourse post]