Java project using web3j to connect to testnet call contract method prompts "replay deployer 0x.... not whitelisted"

        Web3j web3j =  getWeb3j();
        Credentials credentials = Credentials.create(privateKey);
        StaticGasProvider gasProvider = new StaticGasProvider(BigInteger.valueOf(40_000_000_000L),BigInteger.valueOf(500_000));
        WatchxNFT watchxNFT = WatchxNFT.load(contractAddress, web3j, credentials, gasProvider);
        TransactionReceipt receipt = watchxNFT.safeMint(payerWalletAddress,tokenUri).send();


java.lang.RuntimeException: Error processing transaction request: replay deployer 0x.... not whitelisted

The call with ethers.js and remix works
For what reason? For help, please