Let's talk about NFT's on IoTeX!

Do you own NFTs on IoTeX? :framed_picture:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

How about in other networks?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Tell us about your NFT experience, praise and room for grow, brag about your collection, and share what platforms you have used.

Hey all!! so we have a pretty nice colletion of 3000 NFTs, the name of the collection and brand have been trademarked as well because it has alot of room to grow in the NFT space. The NFTs are on the BSC network but thanks to the XP.network they can be bridge to multiple networks like polygon,elrond and Fantom… to add to that we are set to release our first NFT P2E game and NFTstaking…

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Great collection!
What about NFTs on IoTeX Network? Are you in Meta-Pebble mint list?

I will talk to the IoTex team and XP.Network about adding to the NFT bridge. We currently have an IoTex grant application being reviewed, so i would hope to work very closely with the network soon.

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I have bought a few NFT’s on Binance, i feel they are a waste of money. Knowing what I know now, I should have just bought more Iotex punks or Sumotex NFT’s.

Binance May be good for flipping NFT’s, but there are so many on Binance if you try and sell they get drowned out by all the other stuff on their. Binance allows anyone to mint their own NFT’s, doesn’t even have to have a use case.

Iotex NFTs have purpose and make it worth buying and holding.


How do you get on the ?

mint list? I am new to this. Great idea.

There was a sing in stage couple month ago where users could register to mint list. And soon regarding their mint list turn they would be able to mint Meta-Pebble NFT. This mint will be available only for those who singed in. But I think users will sold them on markets

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Great idea, bring new users to our chain

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Great stuff, thanks for sharing the information

Hey remember me buddy from the early days of Redpanda. Did you manage to get onto the Iotex network yet.
Ps reach out to me on telegram.