My Iotex from staking has disapeared

Hello I am having a problem with new interface, all my staked iotex is gone ! I had like 1540 IOTEX ON STAKE|230x500

maybe changing the network would help. I was unable to see my staking buckets after the update and changing the network helped.

I did that and the same is happening… Someone please help this is a serious glitch!!

Have latest update, It was all fine a few days ago… HEEEEELP!!!

try to change the node to MainNet Node CN-1 or MainNet Node HK-1. With mine, it’s the MainNet Node US-1 node that seems to be having an issue

Thank you I change to CN and it works I see them again🙏bless you

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No problem, it’s a common problem encountered after the update, found the solution posted by other community members via the iotex subreddit and twitter so I want to help by spreading a very simple fix