Need help please!

Hi there,
I have a problem that im hoping someone can help.
I purchased IOTX on Binance and sent it to Metamask wallet (dont ask i should have sent it to Iopay)
My question is how do i get my IOTX out of metamask and into IoPay so I can start staking or voting?

Any assistance would be much appreciated

So, you have ERC-20 IOTX in your ERC-20 wallet. You could use the swap tool to get into your native io address or you could send it back to Binance and withdraw the native IOTX to your ioPay

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You must first check if the transaction on ERC-20 has actually gone?
I think Binance cannot send erc-20 tokens (it can only accept to its exchange)

or did you select the address (erc20) for the transaction in your Binance account ???

I brought the erc-20 last night im not sure how I transferred it but it appears in metamask with no value price. With that said I also have a trust wallet which is linked with metamask and although the IOTX is appearing in metamask it is not in my trust wallet.
I have tried to send it directly to iopay, obviously this did not work. Am currently in the process of taking no_one advise and transferring it back to binanace and onwards to iopay.
I’m really hoping it works because I’ve been trying to do it all night and day to no avail.
Really appreciate the help especially seeing as the tron smart contract is now literally just around the corner.

ioPay only supports native tokens.
Since June, all Stake & Vote, also only with the help of native tokens.

But you will have time to convert ERC_20 to native tokens

OK so it seems they are erc-20 soooo Leo how do i convert them to native tokens??
And do i still transfer erc20 to binance for now?? I’m so confused
Apologies, as ya can tell im new to this and am just needing guidance so I can start staking and voting.

I think Binance will accept them back.

At the moment it still accepts our old tokens and they are then automatically converted to native token

Only I did not understand why he allowed you to take old tokens from the exchange … I thought it was not possible.

There is still a tool

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Yup binance accepted them back :pray: however they aren’t in my io address in binance they’re still erc-20. How long does it take for automatic conversion?

In the meantime I will check out link

You need to ask the technical support of the exchange.
I dont know.

Thanks Leo for ya help.
Have contacted Binance and they have given me instructions to follow.

Thanks again for ya advice :+1::smile:

Please help. I sent some iotex from binance to iopay then send it back to binance. It says successful in the transaction though in iopay but it wasnt on my binance account

I have a big problem that im hoping someone can toy aid. I purchased 5245 IOTX on and sent it to Coinbase on 9th November. I have not seen anythingin my Coinbase wallet.
PLEASE HELP…How do i get back my IOTX into I’m lost and struggling. I have spent hours researching the web and can’t find nothing yet.


You can see all transaction on Explorer…

Need contact witch Exchange

And you can see you transaxtion here

It says successfull though…but the problem is i sent it on binance using the bep20 address

Same problem…
Interested if someone the solution.
There is only one deposit (mine) on the wallet but since I do not have the private key impossible to recover my tokens.
Seems that the address was created during the transfer

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Hi! You need contact with Binance

try contact with Binance (if you has transfer to Binance)

Same thing happened to me in November the beginning of it the month and when I had my Crypto and sent it over to Coinbase are use the coax address because that’s what Coinbase gave me and the generation of the address to send it to process and I entered it in the space delegated for the withdrawal of funds towards Coinbase from and I sent it it was pending for a while So I contact to so maybe try to send a lesser amount through because I thought it was to not enough gas was the reason but in doing so that we got stuck as well he said maybe then the lesser one with more gas per coin ratio would kick it other one back because they want to get the more money for less of a transaction so they take this the 01 thank you the other one back so I can get him more gas but they said gas can’t be changed is automatically set I can’t be changed like more or less from so that wasn’t it and so forth transactions were now currently stuck turns out when I sent it somehow not be switched it switched to an I/O address so I had to find my coins on the iotex 649 either scan explore that I sent it with so know what he wants to help me and it at the time the value was $11,000 and I wanted to originally steak it to get him to get more money so I can get more our tax and stick it in vote but I don’t think I’m gonna I’m not feeling comfortable doing that now I can’t do it now because I don’t have the coins so I have no idea what to do Coinbase doesn’t want to go says it got excepted which it shouldn’t have so this is gonna be the fault‘s fault nobody wants to take the responsibility for it because it wasn’t even it was not marked saying that or with a warning it is now multi million dollars lodged up and if it’s like a money U-boat like gets burnt or water damaged it’s taken to the bank and you present it to the bank the proof that that’s how much money you had they will replace the money with a new money why is it that I can’t you know basically it’s digital currency so all I have is the Blockchain information stating that it’s true that I sent this much money and I don’t have this much money because it’s stuck there basically it’s burnt so they could just give me a new set that would be fine but one base doesn’t wanna comply and if it’s impossible to get then why isn’t it just treated like regular money and brought to the bank which is the bank of the Iowa tax and they can reassure mean more currency and I can be on my way instead it’s been a whole month over a month now and a half still no answers it’s frustrating and discouraging what can I do

Unfortunately, I do not know what to advise you

I have never used CoinBase (I believe that this is only for Americans - and you need to find out in the American community how to solve problems with deposits and the like)

And what. is Crypto com, I don’t know … Except that this project was advertised in football stadiums