[NO WAR] Donate IOTX To Support Civilians In Need

Our hearts go out to all those affected by the ongoing war. Just in the past week, hundreds have lost their lives and millions have been forced to flee their homes. Although Web3 cannot solve the complex issues underpinning the war, it can help to raise/distribute funds to support the people that have been impacted.

IoTeX has partnered with Unchain Fund to raise donations from the IoTeX community and distribute funds transparently for humanitarian needs. 100% of all donations will be used to provide food, shelter, and humanitarian aid to civilians in need (NOT weapons or war-related efforts).

The IoTeX Foundation will match all donations up to 1,000,000 IOTX, and anyone that donates more than 500 IOTX will receive a commemorative “No War” NFT.

Let’s show the world that IoTeX is more than just a crypto project – we are a global ecosystem that is connected by a shared passion to make our world a better place. Donate today!

What is Unchain Fund?

Unchain is a charity project organized by blockchain activists to support civilians impacted by war with humanitarian aid. Backed by Web3 leaders including Vitalik Buterin and top blockchain projects, Unchain works with local activists to provide food, medicine, transport, clothing, hygiene products, and protective equipment to everyday people in need. Unchain provides transparent funding reports regarding how donations are allocated to ensure all donations are used to support people in need, and NOT fund war and violence. Learn more via Unchain’s Telegram and Discord, and read their FAQ.

Help IoTeX Community Members In Need

IoTeX is a global ecosystem with community members from 120+ countries. Many of us are lucky to be “observers” of war, while others we interact with on a daily basis have had their lives changed forever due to war. We have shared a thread of real, heartbreaking situations that IoTeX Ambassadors and community members are living through today – view it here and please consider donating directly to your fellow community members in need.

Commemorative “No War” NFT

Anyone that donates more than 500 IOTX to this cause will receive a commemorative “No War” NFT. We will take a snapshot of this address at a future date, and airdrop the NFT to all addresses that have made a single donation of 500 IOTX or more.

:star: Ready to donate?

We are raising donations in IOTX – any amount helps! All donations will be matched by the IoTeX Foundation, up to 1,000,000 IOTX.

:point_down:t3: All you have to do is send native IOTX to the address below:


All distributions to Unchain Fund will be made on-chain and shared publicly in this thread. To see how Unchain allocates donations to impacted civilians, see their transparent funding reports.

What’s Next?

From everyone at IoTeX, we are blessed to have a global community of warm-hearted and caring individuals that are connected not by the country they were born in but by a shared belief in a better and more connected world. In tough times like these, let us band together and make a meaningful impact by helping those that need it most. We will keep the community posted on all donations received and the people that have been supported by your generosity. For any questions, feel free to reach the core team directly on Telegram or via email: hello@iotex.io.


Easiest transaction I’ve ever made. For Ukraine!


make love, not war!
let’s show our love to the civilians impacted by war!


Great initiative. IoTeX is always making the world a better place!


Hope everyone is safe! Bless!


where were you for 8 years while they bombed Donbass every day and 14k people died?

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I propose to raise funds for housing, food, warm clothes for residents of Donbass and Lugansk

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Put the politics aside, let’s help the people affected first!


This past week, we’ve raised >100,000 IOTX to provide aid to war-impacted civilians via Unchain Fund. :handshake:


Listen to the leader of the group “Boombox” Andrey Khlivnyuk sing “Ой, у лузі червона калина” on Sofiyivska Square in Kyiv.
Andrey is now defending Ukraine and Kyiv in the ranks of the defense 28.02.2022
Remix from YouTube blogger The Kiffness - https://youtu.be/lu8m5FA2nL8

“Oi u luzi chervona kalyna” (“Oh, in the meadow a red guelder rose”) is a Ukrainian folk song, the anthem of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen.


Unsure if this is still going on, but sent to the address anyway. Love for Ukraine!


It is ongoing. Thank you for your support :clap: