Hy there,
I’m Alex, I have about 10 years of heavy duty experience in the automatic carwash industry in USA. Currently based around LA area. The industry it’s behind and it’s slowly falling apart because of the way grew over the year. Technology still promoted today in the industry is way behind and outdated. I have a few ideas how to restart the industry in a different way. For example for the drying process of a car that is about 60% of power usage of any Carwash (around 125 hp), I can reduce that with same or better results for around 5-10hp total. Also will reduce the cost of material, waste and final cost for customer. I have access to some federal and local grants considering the small/medium impact in electricity usage. But I would like to design the manufacturing process having in mind recycling of the product, when fails or any other reason. For this I found this platform the perfect way to start building this projects. I have almost zero knowledge in programming, but I do understand the logic behind it. Also I am open to ideas and investor proposals or anything that can help with kick-starting this project.
Thank you for your time.