Stacking withdraw

Hi,i have started my stacking 29/9/21,that was locked for 100 days duration to having some add bonus.the 100 days gone already and now I’m not able to withdraw any of my tokens after that period,any help very welcome.

After removing the steak lock, you need to wait another 100 days after that you will be able to withdraw funds. Steak lock freezes your funds indefinitely until you withdraw it

I don’t remember hearing this at all.

so, if i stake for 365 days, then i should wait for another 365 days after i LOCK OFF my staking? what’s the logic behind this long time waiting?

a year ago. today lock off all my stakes. and i should wait for another 365 days. man…

why should i wait for another 365 days? is it logic?

actually i only wanna my iotex back. but why should i wait another 365 days for that. 1 year of waiting? is it logic?