TOTW №5: Why does privacy matter to you?

Hello, IoTeX community! :blush:

The topic of this week’s discussion is around privacy and how / why does it matter to you?
Have you ever been part of a privacy leak/breach or has anyone around you been affected as a result of one?

We are looking forward to hearing your personal stories and opinions on this topic :nerd_face:

:pushpin: Submit your answers by Monday, January 27th midnight PST
:moneybag: Rewards: Best 3 answers will receive 2,000 IOTX EACH

Make sure to include your Telegram ID in your post so we can add you to the weekly Scoreboard combined with IoTrivia & contact you if you are a winner.

You can post more than once but make sure to share different stories/use cases, do not duplicate posts. Feel free to comment & reply to posts from other community members.


The concept of privacy is closely related to the concept of security. This is the first thing that comes to mind, because it’s obvious. And so I think I will choose another important aspect of privacy. :upside_down_face:

Privacy is an important thing for health also. One of the main health problems these days is stress and depression caused by it. People are forced to think about how their actions and appearance will be evaluated constantly. If your privacy is not guaranteed even your home stop being a place of feeling yourself freely. :house_with_garden:

Unwelcomed tips on which fruits and vegetables to buy and how to plate them, which TV-shows to watch or not to watch any, use a fashionable or a practical clothing. Interference with privacy causes many people to constantly experience stress, take antidepressants, and get sick. :cry:

Private life must remain private. The Intrusive interest of third-party observers should not interfere with life. It will work good both on mental and physical health. :sun_with_face:

Telegram… @bez_nicka


I hate the idea that our smartphones and their apps store all of our data. I also take a critical look at the security of implemented cameras that are easy to hack. The fact that Whatsapp and many other messengers save our pictures and even claim the rights to the pictures sent over them scares me. In this context, I am not surprised that there are more and more mentally ill people who show a paranoid personality. Iotex and its focus on privacy can change that in the future and eliminate fear of data theft.

I can’t say for sure if I’ve been hacked in the past. After all, I’ve never done any research on this. Given the current infrastructure, I think it’s very likely (99.99%). That’s why I’m looking forward to more data security and privacy thanks to Iotex!

TG: altcoin_maximalist

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Well, pretty much interesting topic here :thinking:. I can’t assure I’ve never been hacked but I would say it has already happened somewhen in the past since we are so much exposed nowadays. It’s hard to believe that some service providers didn’t sell any info of ours when they had the chance to do that. :pensive:

By the way companies wouldn’t take profits from OUR info if this data wouldn’t be WORTH something (money, in this case) so it’s absolutely right leaving the decision of what to do with data to their REAL OWNERS (us). :muscle:

That’s something I think it will change over time as people begin to worry about their privacy more and more. In the meantime, we all can say we are early adopters of an amazing project which has been working on the privacy-related issues - IoTeX! :hugs:



First of all, looking at the definition of privacy, it will give more insightful understanding to the topic and the exact points expected, which one would have underestimated while considering this ever-green topic. :joy:
Privacy enables us to create boundaries and protect ourselves from unwarranted interference in our lives, allowing us to negotiate who we are and how we want to interact with the world around us. Privacy protects us from arbitrary and unjustified use of power by states, companies and other actors. :man_office_worker: :woman_office_worker: :man_scientist: :woman_technologist: :male_detective: :guardsman:
I can categorically stated that every now and then, am a victim of privacy leaks/breaches. Here are some of the messages received from companies/organizations that I subscribed to who intentionally, unintentionally or out carelessness, let go my private information.
:white_check_mark:" Let’s reset your password so you can get back to watching. RESET PASSWORD. If you did not ask to reset your password you may want to review your recent account access for any unusual activity."
:white_check_mark:" Reset password confirmation.

Hi Adekunle Adejumo,

Please click the link below to reset your NAME OF THE COMPANY account password: Reset your password If you did not request your password to be reset, please ignore this email and your password will stay the same."
:white_check_mark: "Successful Login

Device Windows 7, Chrome

Time: December 28, 2019 12:33 UTC

IP Address:

If you did not perform this login contact support immediately from THE COMPANY NAME support and freeze your account"

Just to mention a few, though in these matters, technology such as mass surveillance system cannot but to be blamed. On the one hand, it makes our lives better and improves society, but on the other, it is used to spy on our every move. We believe this is not the case. Technology can help us in any matter and can improve and even secure our communications, like never before. :compass: :world_map: :artificial_satellite: :camera: :movie_camera:
The intrusion into one private lives affect our psyche, health, emotion and our self-worth — the actual identity that we should learn to be proud of, and even nurture, in a positive environment.

Telegram ID: @tadex01


Конфиденциальность для цифровых транзакций становится все более важной. Целью криптовалюты является финансовая свобода. Независимость от банков и посредников. Для этого достаточно примера сети Биткойн. Номер один среди криптовалют, но он еще не смог утвердить себя в качестве приемлемого средства платежа, а про другие монеты вообще не стоит упоминать.Есть много причин для отсутствия принятия Биткойна, как платежного средства. Нестабильность, сложности на пути к приобретению, скептицизм, страх потери, сложность, а также недостаточная конфиденциальность. Да, в протоколе Биткойн нет защиты данных. Все транзакции и все средства на кошельках являются общедоступными. Биткойн — это публичная кассовая книга. Предположим, у вас есть значительная сумма на вашем адресе Биткойн. Допустим, у вас есть 100 BTC. Сегодня это около 380 000 долларов. Хотели бы вы, чтобы другие люди или другая группа людей знали, что у вас есть 380 000 долларов? Что, если криминальные структуры почувствовали запах жареного мяса и будут пытаться что-нибудь сделать, чтобы изъять ваши $ 380 000? Эта теория не так уж и надуманна. Вот почему конфиденциальность важна. Никто не должен знать, что у вас есть 100 BTC на вашем адресе. Но я верю в IoTeX!!! И думаю что всё будет хорошо.
ID телеграммы:@DrRoM13
Wallet: io1d2f4wrlsspgj043k4gdvvq08sknmqm48vu5avv

Privacy for digital transactions is becoming increasingly important. The goal of cryptocurrency is financial freedom. Independence from banks and intermediaries. An example of the Bitcoin network is enough for this. Number one among cryptocurrencies, but it has not yet been able to establish itself as an acceptable means of payment, and other coins should not be mentioned at all.There are many reasons for not accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment. Instability, difficulties on the way to acquisition, skepticism, fear of loss, complexity, and lack of privacy. Yes, there is no data protection in the Bitcoin Protocol. All transactions and all funds on wallets are public. Bitcoin is a public cash book. Let’s say you have a significant amount on your Bitcoin address. Let’s say you have 100 BTC. Today, it’s about $ 380,000. Would you like other people or another group of people to know that you have $ 380,000? What if criminal organizations smell fried meat and try to do something to seize your $ 380,000? This theory is not so far-fetched. This is why privacy is important. No one should know that you have 100 BTC on your address. But I believe in IoTeX!!! And I think that everything will be fine
ID телеграммы:@DrRoM13
Wallet: io1d2f4wrlsspgj043k4gdvvq08sknmqm48vu5avv

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Personal data is essential to so many decisions made about us, from whether we get a loan, a license or a job to our personal and professional reputations. Personal data is used to determine whether we are investigated by the government, or searched at the airport, or denied the ability to fly. Indeed, personal data affects nearly everything, including what messages and content we see on the Internet. Without having knowledge of what data is being used, how it is being used, the ability to correct and amend it, we are virtually helpless in today’s world. Moreover, we are helpless without the ability to have a say in how our data is used or the ability to object and have legitimate grievances be heard when data uses can harm us. One of the hallmarks of freedom is having autonomy and control over our lives, and we can’t have that if so many important decisions about us are being made in secret without our awareness or participation.

TG: @murugan25589


Privacy is my entire being, without my personal data being secured, means am exposed, prone to various form of online/offline attacks. I have been prejudice on privacy issues mostly from telecommunication services providers. Most of the time I receive unsolicited sms messages from the companies I have never have any form of deal with and then also from telecommunication services providers trying to advertise/promote their products and services from then I begin to wonder who could have exposed my data to all these strange companies? How come they have access to my mobile number without my consent? The answer is not an hidden one at all, it has been my telecom services providers :phone: :telephone_receiver: :satellite:
Whenever these occur, I feel disturbed, emotionally and psychological imbalance. :thinking: Not knowing the step to take or what to do. Thinking taking legal action, I cannot because my telecom services providers would deny these. Still imagining what to do to prevent continuous occurrence. :calling: :no_bell:

Telegram id- @SangosanyaM


In the age of technology, the safety and privacy of your data is very important. Be it your personal photos, be it the password of your social network, everything requires reliability and security. Today it is very difficult to find a person who does not use a smartphone, which stores absolutely everything, all your personal information, all passwords and bank data. By the way, just some days ago it became known that Apple refuses reliable protection and encryption of user data for smartphones due to the fact that the FBI requires access to all phones in connection with its activities.
Even if such a tech giant refuses to protect data, then what can we say about other devices. You must either completely refuse to use various smartphones, equipment, or wait for a really reliable product with reliable protection from big brother. Otherwise, where is the guarantee that tomorrow Google, which knows absolutely everything about you, will not come and will not say that since it knows everything about you, it means you belong to it because it has special information on you.
If you are not comfortable with this scenario, then you definitely maintain the confidentiality and protection of your data!
For me personally, privacy is my personal freedom and life in all its freedoms!



For me, confidentiality is my personal protected space, the security of my data, the confidence that they will not be used to the detriment of me. I am lucky, as there has never been a leak of my data, but the Internet is full of such stories.
When buying a new device that has an Internet connection, I don’t want anyone other than me to have access to this device. I want only I to own this device and all the information on it. Every day it becomes more difficult. Therefore, my safety is the most important thing for me!

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What is privacy
Privacy relates to any rights you have to control your personal information (which include your name, address, Social Security number, and credit card details) and how that information is used. Your information is in a lot of places. That includes government agencies, health care organizations, financial institutions, social network platforms, computer-app makers, and many other places.

Why does it matter
Your information has value. Without privacy you are vulnerable, porous, unprotected and can be victimized at any time. That’s why cybercriminals often target organizations where they can harvest personal data. They can use it to commit crimes like identity theft or sell it on the dark web. That’s why security breach is serious matter.
Therefore, the power of your privacy is in your hand, when you use IoTex.



Privacy matters for a number of reasons:

  1. Protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. Protecting trade secrets or corporate data
  3. Protecting financial data

For me, I work in an environment where privacy is paramount and it has been drilled in my head to protect information. In my organization, people are held accountable for privacy breaches. Training is a critical component to ensuring privacy stays at the forefront of any organization, so we’re required to have annual training related to privacy. There are repercussions if training is not completed annually. So breaches of privacy are rare in my organization, but they have happened on a minor scale.

In my personal life, I’ve had numerous friends who have been the unwitting victim of privacy breaches. Many times related to identity theft or compromised accounts. i always tell people to use credit cards instead of debit cards for transactions. credit card fraud=card issuer money; debit card=your money. It’s that simple for me. Regarding centralized entities holding your data, that’s just a risk you take. There isn’t much you can do if they are hacked. We’ve seen this time and again from major corporations to government entities (see OPM). This is why i’m excited about the potential of Ucam. Ultimately, being properly trained and staying vigilant (non-complacent) can help you avoid privacy attacks. That is, if your data isn’t with a centralized entity.

TG: @troytrojan01


Hi everyone! Thank you to all that have participated in this discussion :blush:

Here are the winners of this thread:

:warning: Please PM me on Telegram with your IoTeX wallet address to receive the rewards.


Wow! thank you so much!


Nice one, appreciated

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