Unable to register Pebble Tracker - Trouble with IoTX

I have posted before, but I am still stuck. I have followed the instructions here … Quick Start | IoTeX Documentation

But it seems I have a problem somewhere depositing IoTX tokens to make it work.

Prerequisites :

  • You have [Metamask] installed in your browser. <<<<— I DO

  • You [added the IoTeX Network] to Metamask <<<< – I HAVE

  • You own some native IOTX in your Metamask account <<<<---- HOW DO I DO THIS?? The BUY option is greyed out …

In Metamask I see these three networks …

When I go to the machine portal to create an account for the tracker, this is what I see …

I do not understand what I need to do; presumably, add some IOTX to the IoTeX network. I have tried that by buying some IOTX on Coinbase and sending it to the account 0x7289… 961fc but they just disappear; though I think some went into ETHERIUM Mainnet on Metamask.

I guess I am having a fundamental misunderstanding of how this all works. How do I get IOTX into the right place in Metamask (I assume IoTeX Network?). Why is the buy tab greyed out?

Sorry. Noob stuff I suspect.

Come on; I’ve paid good money for this thing and I cannot even register it !! Can someone from IoTeX or Pebble actually respond, please?


Man, may be you need buy native iotx(Bibance or Huobi) and send it to your iotex wallet.

I have registered successfully at machinefi portal!

I bought some on Coinbase and sent them over, but they just disappeared! I’ll keep trying small amounts.