Was the IoPay DePin Dexx hacked?

Hi Guys, I have acquired a number of Iotex DePins over the last 2 years, maybe small potatoes for most guys, but significant enough for me. In mid-November 2024, I connected to the DePin Dexx within the IoPay app, and poof, an error message occured and my DePins seem to have been taken. I can’t see them anymore. I have written to the IotexSupport team several times, and despite getting a reference number, in early December, I have not heard anything else from them despite repeated reminders. I am very tempted to tag my large LinkedIn corporate network and write a hit-piece out of frustation but because I ‘unfortunately’ actually like and believe in this project, I would much prefer to resolve this and get support in-house. So, what can I do? Thanks!

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I’ve never heard of DePIN dex.

There was an inscription project named DePINs though. Can you share more details? Ticker, etc?

Ever since this supposed upgrade to the Iopay DePins link, all I get is an error message. I can’t see my DePins anymore. The Ticket has been open for 2 months with no response. Ticket 10977.

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DePINs are ecological projects, you can consult them on telegram


That’s not by the IoTeX team. They started on IoTeX during the inscription craze. And then it kinda slept before their community decided to revive it. I remember seeing an announcement asking their inscription holders to remove their assets from their marketplace because they wanted to close it down and start anew.

And then they announced a claim period of some sort. But yeah better join their TG to see if you can salvage anything

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Thanks Anwar, what is TG?

It’s short for Telegram Group. Charlie just shared the link to it above. All the best!

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Thanks. Will ping them.