[Accepted]Questbook On-chain management tool for the IoTeX Grant Program

Proposal details

Project Name

Questbook : On-chain management tool for the IoTeX Grant Program

Project Type

Questbook : On-chain management tool for the IoTeX Grant Program

Proposal Description

  • Questbook is a multisig safe built on top of Gnosis Safe, designed specifically for running grant programs.
  • Instead of using numerous disparate tools to run a grants program, using the Questbook grants tool, IoTeX can run a streamlined grant program from a single place.
  • The entire process is run completely on-chain. All grants, their applicants, and the workflow are stored completely on-chain.

Product demo: [How you can use Questbook to attract Builders | Questbook official blog]

Problems the grants tool will solve

  1. A streamlined process for the grants managers to attract applicants and keep track of applications.
  2. Clear & timely communication to applicants.
  3. Deliverable focused: Define clear milestones and disburse money based on agreed milestones.
  4. Analytics: Dashboards to effectively track, measure, and analyse grant programs.
  5. Developers will be able to discover, search and apply to grants & RFPs seamlessly.
  6. Gasless Wallet an on-chain gasless transaction
  7. Evaluating developers better with on-chain reputation and credentials (future release)

Product demo : https://blog.questbook.xyz/posts/attract-builders-using-questbook/


[ Split your project into milestones: each one must have its own verifiable deliverables]

Milestone 1:
Duration : 10 days

  1. Multisig-safe integration.
  2. Testing along with the IoTeX team
  3. Questbook launch on Iotex

(USD): $5,000 USD

Total funds requested

$5,000 USD

Please checkmark the following if you agree

Although these options are not mandatory, please consider committing to them for the greater benefit of the IoTeX ecosystem.

  • We commit to open source the project: YES

  • We commit to stake [ AMOUNT ] IOTX on the IoTeX Blockchain: NO

  • We commit to donate [ PERCENTAGE ] of [ OUR TOKEN ] to the IoTeX Foundation: We don’t have a token yet

About your Team

Team (All founders are technical with 10+ yrs of experience)
- Madhavan Malolan : CEO, Questbook
- Abhilash Inumella : Co-founder, Leads Product and Engineering
- Sriharsha Karamchati : Co-founder, Leads Community
- Subhash Karri : Co-founder, Leads BD and Partnerships

The team has about 5 years of experience building and designing in the blockchain space. We have been funded by YCombinator and are currently partnering with Polygon, Solana, Harmony and AAVE. As a team we have:

- Written more than 100 tutorials for web2 developers to transition to web3 ([http://openquest.xyz/](http://openquest.xyz/))
- Organized more than 50 talks/workshops for these developers in India across 10 cities.
- Built DAuth a decentralized OAuth alternative ([https://github.com/madhavanmalolan/dauth](https://github.com/madhavanmalolan/dauth))
- Authored EIP 1361 ([https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1361](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1361))
- Retroactive funding in education mechanism design research ([https://ethresear.ch/t/retrofunding-dao-for-education/10821](https://ethresear.ch/t/retrofunding-dao-for-education/10821))
- New wallet technical architectures ([https://mirror.xyz/madhavanmalolan.eth/34sHYY99p0DAUw4a8-syCmpNhaaaYzN98u-XCtaQrIc](https://mirror.xyz/madhavanmalolan.eth/34sHYY99p0DAUw4a8-syCmpNhaaaYzN98u-XCtaQrIc))
- Active members in OrangeDAO (YC alum DAO)


We aim to migrate one of the IoTeX grants DAO in the next 4 weeks and subsequently all the other DAOs in IoTeX.

If we can reduce the manual efforts of the grants operation team by even 30%, that will be a significant first victory for the tool.


External Links:

Website: https://www.questbook.app
https://www.beta.questbook.app (Beta)

Product Demo

Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E0chUvmEYs

More details about the tool are available in the presentation: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

View all your applications in one place

Open-sourced code:

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Community voting

Community members can vote on grant proposals to facilitate grants assignments to their favorite projects. Please vote on this proposal:
  • I Like this proposal
  • I Don’t like this proposal
0 voters

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Thanks for submitting the IoTex halo grant application, we are reviewing it

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@Grizzily we have completed the first milestone :fire: