[Accepted]XP Network NFT Bridge - Grant Delivery Report

IoTeX Grant Delivery

Project Name

XP Network Multi-Chain NFT Bridge

Project Type

NFT Infrastructure


1.1 Bridge Architecture Overview

  • The first of the kind NFT multi-chain bridge connecting a wide range of EVM to a number of Non-EVM chains. The bridge allows transferring NFTs to and from:
    • Ethereum
    • Binance Smart Chain
    • Avalanche
    • Polygon
    • Algorand
    • Fantom
    • Tron
    • Tezos
    • Elrond
    • Gnosis Chain (former xDai)
    • Harmony
    • Aurora
    • Fuse

1.2 Tech stack

Bridge Component Stack
Smart Contracts Solidity, Rust, TEAL, Michelson
Validators (Oracles) TypeScript
Backend TypeScript
Frontend React (JSX, TypeScript)

1.3. Bridge Architecture

Bridge Architecture

2 Frontend

  1. Initial View of the Bridge
    Initial Page

  2. Departure / Destination chain list
    IoTeX Among Integrated Chains

3 Backend + Token Conversion Oracles

  1. Nft-Index (Returns a list of NFTs an account owns on a supported blockchain)
  2. Transaction Fee Estimator - provides the TX fee on the target chain
  3. Crypto-Currency Converter (Oracle) converts the target fee to the native tokens of the original chain via USDT equivalent.

4 Relay Validators (Oracles)

  1. Private (SK) & Public (PK) key pairs for all the connected chains
  2. Validation logic
    1. Chain Event catching
    2. Event deserialization
    3. Transaction composition
    4. Transaction submition to the target chain

=== Please add Milestone Reports below ===

5. Milestone Deliverables

Number Deliverable Specification
5.1 Documentation The basic tutorial that can interact with the deployed smart contracts and backend service can be found below.
5.2 Smart Contracts We have deployed smart contracts on IoTeX mainnet that are able to:
1. Support ERC-721 0x81e1Fdad0658b69914801aBaDA7Aa0Abb31653E5
2. Support ERC-1155 0xD87755CCeaab0edb28b3f0CD7D6405E1bB827B65
3. Bridge SC 0x4bA4ADdc803B04b71412439712cB1911103380D6
4. Freeze/Unfreeze Native NFTs in batches
5. Mint/Burn wrapped NFTs in batches
6. Pay the TX fees on the target chain in native tokens
7. Send / Receive NFTs in batches
8. Withdraw TX fees in the native tokens for the target chain
5.3 Backend Integration of IoTeX in the:
1. NFT Index Requires JWT
2. TX Fee Estimator
3. Crypto-currency converter
4. Heartbeat - checks whether the IoTeX Node & validators areup and operating properly
5.4 Frontend Integration of IoTeX in the:
1. User Interface
2. Wallets (Metamask, TrustWallet, WalletConnect)

5.6 Testnet Smart contracts

6. Future Plans

Our long term plans include:

  1. Running a IoTeX Node for listening to the chain events and submitting bridge transactions
  2. Mainnet integration to Cardano, Solana, Polkadot ecosystem, Cosmos ecosystem, EOS compatible chains, NEO
  3. ERC-721A New smart contract support (allows minting and burning in batches)
  4. Forged NFT detection on all the bridged chains
  5. NFT explorer for finding NFT’s with deleted storage
  6. NFT meta backup to secure transactions
  7. Distributed NFT’s hosting (better than IPFS)
  8. NFT Search (search by any parameter)
  9. Retention protection tool

7. Proof Links & Screens

Sending from IoTeX to Ethereum:

Native NFT ID: 4847

IoTeX NFT on Ethereum in OpenSea:


The Origin of the NFT: IoTeX

Chain nonce: 20 (nonce of IoTeX in the NFT Bridge)
The URI of the original on OpenSea links to the original NFT ID: 4847

8. Trying IoTeX in Testnet

8.1. Initiating a Node.js project

Initiate a JS/TS project

mkdir your_project
cd your_project/
yarn init -y

8.2. Installing the libraries

To test/use the latest commits of the library install directly from github

yarn add "git+https://github.com/xp-network/xpjs#bleeding-edge" @elrondnetwork/erdjs ethers @taquito/taquito @temple-wallet/dapp dotenv

8.3. Importing the Dependencies

import {
    ChainFactoryConfigs,  ChainFactory,
    ElrondHelper,         ElrondParams,
    TronHelper,           TronParams,
    Web3Helper,           Web3Params,
    NftMintArgs,          Chain
} from "xp.network";
import {config} from 'dotenv';
// Instantiate the chain factory for the TESTNET
const testnetConfig = ChainFactoryConfigs.TestNet();
const factory = ChainFactory(AppConfigs.TestNet(), testnetConfig);

6.4. Creating a signer object

Add a .env file and populate it with the Private Key of the signer

touch .env
echo "SK=<replace with your Provate Key>" >> .env

Add the signer object:

// EVM chains compatible wallet:
import { Wallet } from "ethers";
// EVM signer for testing in the BE
const signer = new Wallet(
  //  Private Key Of the Signer
// Print out your signer object to see that it matches the expected wallet
console.log("signer", signer);

8.5. Creating inner Blockchain objects

(async () => {
  // Inner Object ============= Chain Nonce == Chain Nonce ==
  // IOTEX:
  const iotex     = await factory.inner<20>(Chain.IOTEX);
  // Other EVM-compatible chains:
  const bsc       = await factory.inner<4>(Chain.BSC);
  const ethereum  = await factory.inner<5>(Chain.ETHEREUM);
  const avax      = await factory.inner<6>(Chain.AVALANCHE);
  const polygon   = await factory.inner<7>(Chain.POLYGON);
  const fantom    = await factory.inner<8>(Chain.FANTOM);
  const IoTeX     = await factory.inner<19>(Chain.IoTeX);
  const gnosis    = await factory.inner<14>(Chain.XDAI);
  const harmony   = await factory.inner<12>(Chain.HARMONY);
  // Non-EVM chains:
  const tron      = await factory.inner<9>(Chain.TRON);
  const elrond    = await factory.inner<2>(Chain.ELROND);
  const avalanche = await factory.inner<15>(Chain.ALGORAND);
  const tezos     = await factory.inner<18>(Chain.TEZOS);
  // To view an inner object:
  console.log("iotex:", iotex);

8.6. Minting NFTs for testing

(async () => {
   const nftResult = await factory.mint(
        contract: "0xC3dB3dBcf007961541BE1ddF15cD4ECc0Fc758d5",
        uris:["<Replace with your metadata URI>"]
      } as NftMintArgs
   console.log("Minting result:", nftResult);

8.7. Getting a list of NFTs a user owns on a Blockchain

(async () => {
  // Getting a list of NFTs
  const iotexNFTs = await factory.nftList(
    IoTeX,            // The inner chain object
    signer.address  // The public key of the user
  // To view a list of NFTs:
  console.log("NFTs:", iotexNFTs);

8.8. Transferring an NFT

(async () => {
    // Calling the function:
    const web3Result = await factory.transferNft(
    iotex,                      // The Source Chain.
    ethereum,                   // The Destination Chain.
    bscNFTs[0],                 // The NFT selected by the index.
    signer,                     // The web3 signer object.
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER"   // The address who you are transferring the NFT to.

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