How to claim VITA on ioPay


Brand new to IoPay, and still learning the staking principle.
Staking works fine, however I have a question about the ‘Claim VITA’ part.
I have a HW wallet connected to IoPay and when I see the procedure to claim VITA, I would need to create a new IoTeX address. (link)

Why can’t I just use the ‘claim’ button for the VITA adress that is shown in my ioPay app?

Kind regards,

Hi ledipipeau,
the article you linked is actually very old, and still refers to people that staked using Ledger+Metamask when the staking was managed using an Ethereum contract while the IoTeX chain was still in Alpha. Those people had to “Create and Authorize” a IoTeX native account to claim VITA on behalf of their Ledger-Ethereum address that they could not import into ioPay (because the private key is not known to Ledger users).

Now the Ledger hardware wallet is fully supported in ioPay and there is an IoTeX native app on Ledger: you can just claim in ioPay and sign the claim action inside the Ledger.

Let me actually mark that content as obsolete!
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