Official ioPay Wallet Thread

Did you check your bucket with the address you entered when sent your IOTX? When you stake your IOTX they don’t go to your address, they go to the smart contract address, so when you change the address your bucket is connected I guess it moved through smart contract address as well. But if you entered the address of which you have a private key the bucket should be there ( not depending on address the IOTX went (I guess it is a smart contract address).

Right, sorry that’s what I meant. I just cannot see them in that wallet either. There’s nothing to indicate that they were moved there or reassigned there. Someone showed me a screenshot of them today when j gave him my hash code and it was my bucket but when I asked where he found it I didn’t receive a reply. He said the same thing you said, but where do my rewards/ interest go? My METX and vita? How can I tell if that wallet is the where it’s reassigned to? Thanks for your time. I’m sorry I’m a dumb guy playing with crypto I don’t know what I’m doing but just dying to participate

I’m not sure if I said this already but I did this thinking it would be a way to unstake them and get them back. I was just trying something out. I didn’t know what I was doing.

I almost forgot about this thread. I have made progress but stuck again. It told support on Discord about it and she said to find wallet support so here j am again.

I now can see my bucket in ioPay. I managed to move it again. It is now somehow receiving IOTX interest in my COBO wallet and Vita somewhere else. I can vsee that I have vita to claim on it but I can’t effect the bucket at all other than change it’s name. and I can’t change any options on the bucket. I can’t unstake it or turn off auto lock. I can’t do anything. what do I need to do? my brain hurts but I’ll try to keep up.

We solved this in PM, glad you recovered your bucket!

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Yes! Thanks so much for all your help. That bucket was kicking my a$$ lol

Can who tell me if there is a way to transfer IOTX tokens from MetaMask to an address in ioPay?

I am having trouble viewing Staking History data. I keep getting the No History icon. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Don

Hello i have the same problem how can i fix it ?

Hello i have the same problem how can i fix it ?

I cant unstake my Iotex.

both, unstake and withdraw is both not highlighted and it says “not applicable”.
My duration is already over - it started on 06.09.20 for 300 days.

please help me to unstake and withdraw my Coins.

Best thanks in advance!

Please explain what IOTX token you hold in Metamask, or what blockchain is your Metamask connected? Is it IOTX ERC20 (Ethereum), IOTX BEP20 (Binance smart chain), IOTX Native (IoTeX Blockchain) or what?

In general, ioPay is connected to the IoTeX blockchain so it will show you the balance of your address on the IoTeX blockchain. If you have IOTX tokens on a different blcokchain like Ethereum, BSC or Polygon, then you have two options:

  • If you have access to Binance, then send your IOTX tokens to your respective IOTX wallet on finance (Ethereum or BSC, depending on which IOTX token you have), then from Binance withdraw to your ioPAy address that starts with io1…

  • If you don’t have access to Binance, then use to make a cross-chain transfer to your ioPay address

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Oh! I guess I should have gone through Binance.
Metamask → Binance → ioPay
I was able to transfer the IOTX tokens successfully!
Thank you!

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I sent 300($25) iotex to my iopay from coinbase its been 30 mins and i still have 0 iotex i used web3 not native because it didnt allow me to use the native option to receive the iotex???

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I have similar issue; I am afraid there is a way to retrieve the coins but I can’t because of knowledge :frowning:
Here is the link of my transaction approval:

I was trying to play the new starcrazy game. So I have tried to follow the necessary steps. I created Iotex wallet, metamask wallet. I sent 1000 IOTX from Coinbase pro to Metamask. Looking at metamask on the front screen it showed IOTX 1000(I don’t see how i can tell if it’s ERC20 or not).

I then followed the steps you guys laid out to goto the IoTube v5. I had to transfer ETH into metamask to pay the fees…grrr. I then did the conversion I thought. It charged me the ETH but it doesn’t look any different to me. Still shows 1000 IOTX. I tried to goto the next steps to convert from WIOTX but when I goto that Crosschain it doesn’t allow me to change the coin there. It’s fixed on MCN to CMCN? So I’m not sure what to do here?

I’m using IoPay v1.5.0 (822) on a samsung S7 running Android 8.0.0. I’ve just moved about $15 worth of BNB-bsc to my IoPay wallet from my Trust Wallet. The transaction posted in Trust Wallet but it still shows 0 BNB-bsc in my IoPay wallet. I tried to refresh that specific wallet but I just get a toast notification that says “Failed” with no additional information. I’ve tried to refresh other specific wallets in IoPay and they are all giving me the “Failed” toast notification as well. What can I do to correct this?

Please make the unstake can be done without waiting for stake duration you have set. Also I hope stake duration can be set lower than the stake duration you set. I got stuck with my stake when I accidentally set it to 1000! Please make this possible…

As I’ve learned Snapcraft store for Ubuntu has only 0.10.0 version which last updated on 14th of June 2020 and that version is too old to work good. Any plans of update? :nerd_face:

KOtsana, to say so you need to provide all the data: hashes of transactions, history of communicating etc. Because without that it looks just as meaningless FUD.

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