[Seeking-feedback]Bitquery IoTeX Grant Proposal

Proposal details

Project Name

Bitquery IoTeX Grant Proposal

Project Type

IoTeX Blockchain data APIs, explorer, and data analytics tools for developers and data scientists.

Proposal Description

Deciphering blockchains is hard. Blockchains only emit transactions and events. To make sense of blockchain data, you need to decipher blockchain transactions and events and turn them into actionable insights such as DEX trade, DeFi, compliance, Bridges, etc.
To decipher blockchain data, you need to invest time and resources and build scalable ETL pipelines. Bitquery solves this problem by providing GraphQL APIs to build blockchain applications and other data tools to explore and understand blockchain data easily.


Bitquery’s IoTeX integration will enable

  • GraphQL APIs to access IoTeX blockchain data.
  • A IoTeX explorer
  • Compliance tech for IoTeX transactions

This will allow developers and other businesses to access IoTeX blockchain data and build applications on top of it.


GraphQL Data APIs for IoTeX

  • Milestone 1:
    • Duration (weeks): 5 week
    • Deliverables (make sure they can be easily verified): We will index all the IoTeX blockchain data and open APIs for it.
    • Funds request (USD): 45,000 USD
  • Milestone 2:
    • Duration (weeks): 3 week
    • Deliverables (make sure they can be easily verified): Enabling IoTex explorer on Bitquery multichain explorer.
    • Funds request (USD): 30,000 USD

Total funds requested

75,000 USD

About your Team

  • Dean Karakitsos (CEO) — Dean is a serial entrepreneur and building IT products since the ’90s. He had few successful exits and sold his startups to companies like Blackberry.
  • Aleksey Studnev (CTO) — Aleksey is an exceptional tech geek, coding for the past 20 years every day. He has built scalable data solutions in previous companies.

Gaurav Agrawal (Growth) — Gaurav likes selling and marketing and outside Bitquery he runs Coinmonks, one of the biggest crypto publications on Medium.


We serve more than half a billion API calls every month, We will open IoTex APIs for everyone to use that will allow many creators to build projects on IoTex.


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Hi, happy to meet u ,this looks like a service plan, we’re learning more.

Can you tell us more about Bitquery, what will it bring to the iotex ecosystem, and what are the specific advantages of using bitquery? You can put these updates in milestones

Hello @Grizzily, Bitquery is a blockchain data company. We index more than 40 blockchains and provide Graphql APIs to access this data.

The value we bring to IoTex ecosystem.

We will index IoTex on-chain data and allow people to access it using APIs. This will allow people to build applications related to IoTex on-chain data.

In any case, people will need access to IoTex on-chain data for various use cases, either you guys do it and build this infra (which I don’t think is good, because it’s not your responsibility, you guys are enablers). Or companies like us do it on the scale and provide it to developers/makers/companies. This especially helps small teams as building such infra to index chains is time and resource-consuming.

Thank you for your answer, hope we can discuss further, you can add me on telegram @grizzily_iotex