[SeekingFeedback] Neurodema Proposal

Proposal details

Project Name


Project Type

New Dapp with IoTeX

Proposal Description

Neurodema attempts to improve care of patients with Dementia. Using the pebble tracker, a state of the art IOTT device and the power of the blockchain, we are able to create a solution that enables users to track dementia patients who have the pebble tracker on them. This solution greatly impacts the stigma around dementia and consequently, mental health. It will also put light on Alzhiemer’s and other such diseases which cause dementia, which people dismiss as memory loss.

We believe that an application such as Neurodema, being one of the first pebble tracker-based solutions can benefit the IOTX community through mass engagement and attraction using word of mouth marketing. Moreover, each of our tracker would also have the mention of IoTeX, if IoTeX were to come into a mutual agreement with us. This will benefit the IoTeX ecosystem as more and more users will be aware of IoTeX as a blockchain and player in the cryptocurrency field.

We have a simple strategy in terms of going to market:

  • Complete development of MVP.
  • Manufacturing wrist bands/necklace from pebble trackers.
  • Distributing wrist bands to medical retailers and e-commerce platforms.
  • Future work (Non-essential as of now)

As a winner of the IoTeX India Hackathon, we believe that Neurodema can put IoTeX technologies to good use in the healthcare industry.


Milestone 1 - Completion of MVP:

  • Duration (weeks): 2
  • Deliverables: MVP with complete tracking and communication (through sms, email and WhatsApp)
  • Funds request (USD): 3,000 USD

Milestone 2 - Manufacturing Trackers:

  • Duration (weeks): 6
  • Deliverables: 50 trackers manufactured
  • Funds request (USD): 10,000 USD

Milestone 3 - Distribution and Selling:

  • Duration (weeks): 4
  • Deliverables: Successfully sold 50 devices
  • Funds request (USD): 7,000 USD

Total funds requested

In order to go to market we would roughly need $20,000 which includes pebble tracker devices for our trackers. We can acquire the rest of the investment from other sources. Furthermore, we require IoTeX community’s help in our growth through marketing on IoTeX’ social media.

About your Team

Antariksh Verma:
GitHub: yummyweb (yum) · GitHub
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antariksh-verma-82908a190/
Bio: I have an experience in several technologies and domains like artificial intelligence to blockchain to the f&b industry. I have been developing solutions for about 4 years and have also participated in a multitude of competitions like hackathons, competitive programming etc.

Arsalaan Alam:
GitHub: Arsalaan-Alam (Arsalaan Alam) · GitHub
Bio: I am a frontend developer and project manager with a fresh experience and ideas for the healthcare industry. I like participating in hackathons and trying new technologies.


As the pebble tracker is a technology, we are aiming for roughly 1,000 pebble trackers to be sold in 2022, if we execute our go to market strategy, and develop an MVP along with manufacturing these devices in time. As the number of pebble tracker devices we sell increase, the number of users on our platform would also increase.


Website: https://neurodema.vercel.app/

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=== Please add Milestone Reports below ===

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I think your proposal is a very good value addition to our pebble tracker and think you have covered most of the ground in your project report. It would be really great if you could share some insights to my curiosity as to whether we could create & add more features on the dapp in the future such as heart rate monitoring, blood pressure, sugar levels etc to make it a more comprehensive and complete product which could add more USP to the product too. Thank you :+1: :heartpulse:

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Hi! As a matter of fact, I said the same while I was presenting Neurodema in the hackathon. Monitoring physical health is also important but in my report I have only added the requirements for MVP and have not exactly added all features. Still I can definitely add it in the report.


Great and thanks for the revert. The dapp once approved and after the product going live in the market, we could always upgrade all new features and enhancements to the existing customers, as and when we keep evolving and improving in the long term right?

Definitely :slight_smile: we can add all enhancements and features

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Best of Luck and pinning for you guys :+1: :heartpulse:

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@yum we love this project for making a social impact! Can you be more specific about what the deliverable would be?


Sure. At the first milestone, we want to complete the MVP by adding the tracking location features through pebble tracker integration and communicating the data we get to the client through various channels: sms, WhatsApp, email. Currently we only support email. The MVP will also include a fully functioning mobile application. Once we flesh this out, our first milestone will be accomplished.

In the next milestone, we will manufacture 50 wrist bands (like that of a watch) with pebble trackers, so they will look and feel like a regular watch. We require 10,000 USD + 50 pebble trackers from IoTeX.

In the last milestone, we require some support for actually selling and distributing the 50 manufactured devices as part of a pilot programme sponsored by IoTeX.



Unfortunately, this application cannot be approved at this time. We may need a machinefi concept with a wider market, it needs as many users as possible to participate in the product.

If you have new ideas, you can contact me on telegram, @Grizzily_iotex

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