Missing transaction in coinbase from Crypto.com

The issue is the Erc 20 - 0x address converted to an Iotex receiving address right before sending it. That’s why this happened so easily.
It didn’t say invalid address, it just created an web 3 iotex native address.

So please help us.

[Discourse post]

Including everything i have said above…wouldn’t the simplest solution be for Iotex just to return all coin involved back to crypto.com and call it a day. No fancy explanations just return it and say you made a mistake. That would probably go a long way with many. Instead of being in a position where many are quite angry.
At this point, i think i and a number of others dont care whose fault it is. Work to correct it in the future but dont screw your base in the meantime. A little customer service can go a long way. You do have our money after all.
…and unhide my previous post.

Including everything i have said above…wouldn’t the simplest solution be for Iotex just to return all coin involved back to crypto.com and call it a day. No fancy explanations just return it and say you made a mistake. That would probably go a long way with many. Instead of being in a position where many are quite angry.
At this point, i think i and a number of others dont care whose fault it is. Work to correct it in the future but dont screw your base in the meantime. A little customer service can go a long way. You do have our money after all.

[Discourse post]

So is there a way to get our coins back I transferred last by week from crypto to Coinbase and I have my transaction record and still says pending nonce. So is there any updates on this situation I see that it’s growing more and more by the day

Since it arrived in IOTEX blockchain, it auto-generated a wallet address on iopay. I cut & paste my transaction hash details and it shows up on iopay, I just can’t retrieve it. That’s where it gets stuck. Is there anything IOTEX team can do to release them to point of origin? It’s like depositing it back to the wallet origin. Even if fees get charged, that’s okay. We just want access to our IOTX tokens. Typically, when one exchange like Crypto.com sends to Coinbase and it is not on the same blockchain, it gets rejected.

Second time posting this since it was flagged…
New here. I have done the same as everyone else here. Attempted to transfer IoTex from crypto.com to coinbase. but let me share my observations and actions…at this point the only immediate solution see is working at getting our coin back into an IoPay wallet.
I have gotten to the actual transaction through the Iotex explorer snd seen the from and to (which is a watch address) io addresses. I downloaded iopay and imported the watch address (which is the “to” address in the transaction). There are options when importing a wallet in iopay to enter an address (which in this case is the watch address and no actions can be taken on) and keys (the key phrase). All i have is the address which after completing the import shows my Iotex coin balance. Good i guess but can’t transfer or do anything unless we imported with the keys. Im assuming this is an iotex key not coinbase or crypto.com. just give us the keys to import the wallets correctly and give us access to our Iotex coin. Seems simple to me since we were never given the keys when the coin went to the other Iotex address instead of coinbase.
Dont hide my post. Its not a promotion. Sneaky sneaky

Guys this is the form to send complaint to Coinbase and talk with a real person, they open a case every time someone write on it and answer with e-mailing. Please we all must send this complaint together, they can’t ignore us no more…

To open a communication channel in the form we have to select these options: 1 - managing my account; 2 - vaults; 3 - I’m having issues with the approval link. After that you can write a message. Please send all, united we are stronger! :wink:

Sucks but I have the same issue along with 2 others for a total of 15k

We are all in the same boat. I guess sign that change.org petition someone created. I want my tokens as well :confused: what poor processes man. Makes me dislike Coinbase even more and now my faith in IOTeX is diminishing smh.


It’s pretty clear that Coinbase is holding those wallets, period. I have a conversation with Coinbase support in a email asking for the private keys to the wallet being used on my Coinbase account so I could send my coins back to crypto.com using io pay, which would be possible with the private key. Coinbase replied with, We can not give the private keys, we hold the private keys and safe guard them. There ya have it folks. There’s who holds the keys to everyone’s hard earned money, and that’s one of the reasons the coin is up, still. That money ain’t going nowhere. Unfortunately they are still working on the rules of crypto, which Coinbase is hiding behind. To be continued…

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I transferred 3000 IOTEX coins from Crypto.com to Coinbase on November 8, 2021. The Transactions says “Completed.” But the 3000 ITOX coins didn’t not transfer to Coinbase. I contacted Coinbase. They said the HASH is not correct. I copied and paste it multiple times and emailed it to them. I keep getting the same response. Also, Coinbase banded me from filing another claim about my lost Iotex funds.

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I just posted the petition again. We are gonna have to pull a RESORETHESNYDERVERSE on Coinbase yall. We need to stand up for ourselves and put them on blast for this. We need to blast this all over twitter, all over whatever social media outlet we can. We the people yall, this was the type of things our forefathers wanted us to do. Be united and if we had wrong doings against us stand up and say something. Dont be embarrassed and dont allow them to steal more money out of than they already have with their ridiculous fees. I will be seriously considering deleting my Coinbase account after this. Stay strong and fight back. To be continued…


Now coinbase has a disclaimer

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That’s two weeks too late for thousands of us who will likely be filing a lawsuit. It is IOTX that needs to return those tokens to those that never got the warning. It’s a lie that they can’t retrace and return. That’s why their token is rising. So many have been affected and when IOTX autocreated a wallet address on iOPAY, the tokens are theirs now and we can’t sell. Basically, we invested in their projects and lost since we will not be getting any returns.

This article shows that transactions can be traced and returned. This ERC-20 miner was kind enough to do so, but if this happened in reverse and the cryptoproject or exchange benefitted from this mistake, they wouldn’t bother returning.


No more excuses. Returning them can be done. IOTX just doesn’t want to as it will hurt their current market value.

@zimne pls ask the IOTX leadership to do what’s right. The community has already spoken.


I agree with @tokeneyes after reading the article it definitely is IoTex’s problem to solve and can do so in an efficient way that would increase public support for their platform as well as customer service. As it stands now I have five figures involved in their tokens and they have my $$. IoTex is definitely benefiting from all of our choices to buy into their tokens and then have them hold them on their platform and state they have no control over the coin or they can’t release them into our IoPay wallets when they even stated in this thread, and I quote,” in fact, you do not “tranfer” tokens, you transfer the ownership of tokens to a different address, tokens never leave the blockchain they are on.“ That being said IoTex has control as our coins are there and in addresses that were created by their platform.


Iotex, do the right thing ! return our coins.


Agree as well.
Since this affects so many of us, the Iotex team should cooperate with Coinbase and find a solution.
When there’s a will there’s a way!!
Until now no one wants to help us.
The change.org petition is growing.
People are gonna use every mean possible to get their money back!
Personally I think there’s two ways.
Either the good one that Iotex team and Coinbase help and support their users which eventually will end up in more users supporting those two teams or the hard way which potentially will bear some bad publicity for both.


yes!!! hopefully they will work together and take care of this issue!!! we cannot give up!!!