Since we are not getting help from anybody about the issue of transferring native IoTex coins into the Coinbase wallets, I’m going to recommend patience. From messages I’ve read from other people affected that have posted from Coinbase, I believe that Coinbase might be in the process of accepting the native IoTex coin but the only thing is that they are not saying when. They are just saying in the future. The coins if you look at the transaction hash that you get from Crypto dot com will show you two actual addresses and the Web 3 address which is the address where they should have been delivered to and an IoTex address which was automatically generated because that’s the native format for the coins sent. If you download the IoTex wallet or if you have a Trust wallet you can actually import that address into your wallet for viewing and you can see that the coins reside there. I believe that the coins were sent to that address because Coinbase might be in the process of accepting the native coins which means that when they update their system to reflect that change we should all be able to manage the coins. I know that a lot of people have a lot of money invested in these coins so they want to get them as soon as possible. Now from what I understand there are some businesses that claim that they can retrieve those coins for you for a fee. I haven’t tried it because frankly I don’t trust that route. So if you think you can take a chance there you have that option. The other option is to file a suit and get attorneys involved. I don’t think I’ll try that because I’ll pay more in fees than what I invested in the coins but if you invested a lot it might be worth it to you. The other option since we are not getting any help to retrieve the coins form Coinbase, Crypto dot com nor IoTex is to be a little patient and wait to see if Coinbase will have support for the native coin soon. I’ve already shown you how you can look at your coins in the block chain so you can view them daily. Just save the transaction hash and both delivery addresses so that you have proof of the transaction later on in case you notice that the coins disappear and you have to file a formal or legal complaint.
I wish I could be more help but I couldn’t find any way to retrieve my coins unless I pay someone I don’t know over social media.
Thank you for update. It’s great news Coinbase will be accepting native coin in the future. It doesn’t matter on timeframe as long as the coin investment not completely lost.
Just to be clear. No one has said that Coinbase will have native IOTex support in the future, only that Coinbase has said that IF (giant capital letters IF) they add support for it in the future that we all MAY be able to get to our coins at that point. It could just be a smart way for them to diffuse the situation by kicking the can down the road a bit. I just want to make this clear so people don’t expect this to happen. That said, it would be great if it did happen!
You are right. They are not saying they will, they are saying they might. The weird thing is why do they have IoTex addresses already if they are not doing it any time soon? Not trying to give false hope just trying to stay positive. Besides as long as the coins don’t disappear we may have a chance to get them back.
I just launched a formal complaint with Coinbase. They say it will take ten days for it to be processed and get a response. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome.
I launched one as well and they got back to me and stated that they can’t help at this time and to check back in a later date to see if they have started to except the native IoTex coins.
I have transferred IoTx coins from to coinbase and didn’t reach in my Coinbase wallet. Coinbase has listed this coin in it’s supported coins directory. That is why I took that decision!! I contacted them, but could get back the fund. It’s really unfair for the trusted company not to fix this issue!! Please say something , victims of the same issue? I am frustrated!!
This was obviously done intentionally, I think we will get coins back, supposedly if coinbase ends up supporting the iotex network the transactions will go through., kucoin, and binance just started supporting the iotex network 2 weeks ago on oct 28 2021. I think this was some kind of test makimg sure the transfer addresses and other tech is working between exchanges before coinbase announces they support the iotex network.
Coinbase also added a warning to their iotx wallet stating WE SUPPORT IOTX-E NOT THE NATIVE on nov 10th 2021 (after the fact) ive never seen IOTX-E anywhere on coinbase site until this notification, if i seen IOTX-E beforehand i would’ve understood that there was a difference
I feel this situation is to crazy for us not to get our assets back. If they are lost coinbase should be responsible to refunded us our assets with no warning on wallet before
Kindly direct me…I created it pay wallet, but I’m lost on where to see my coins. I got 6k iotx coins stuck with coinbase after transfer from
I got back a reply but only automated messages. I sent a message to the protocol team and I actually got a real person who was willing to type something to respond to me. I sent them an idea that I think might work to try to help us retrieve our coins and they said that they will look into it.